Data from 17 different sources were gathered in a structure with the help of Obase's retail and project expertise.
Analytical Transformation Project
Appealing to different tastes of thousands of women in over 200 stores with Ipekyol, Twist and Machka brands, Ayaydın-Miroglio Group is one of the respectful and long established companies in the Turkish garment industry.
Ayaydın that entered the retail garment industry first with Ipekyol brand in 1986 and grew with Twist brand in 1997 and Machka brand in 2004, incepted Ayaydın – Miroglio Group by merging with the Italian global textile and garment group Miroglio in 2008.
An analytical transformation project was initiated for Ayaydın-Miroglio Group, due to their consolidation need of different systems and the data generated by these systems; and in order to change the reporting infrastructure.
Data from 17 different sources were collected in a structure with the work carried out with Obase’s retail and project experience. Existing reports were analyzed.
After the successful consolidation work carried out; while reporting efforts were reduced, analysis and decision-making processes accelerated.
Hakan Duran │ IT & E-Commerce Director
"As Ayaydın-Miroglio Group, we are using different separate systems at the same time. We felt the need to consolidate the data produced by these systems and to change the reporting infrastructure. Through our work with Obase, which we rely on retail and project experience, we gathered the data sources. Our reports were analyzed, and as a result, a successful consolidation was performed. In this way, while reporting efforts decreased, analysis and decision processes accelerated."