OneIT project has enabled us to increase our operational efficiency with automated data transfer and to make objective business strategies on single version of truth.
OneIT Project
EWE Turkey Holding A.S. was founded at the beginning of 2007 and is based in Istanbul, Turkey. Through this wholly-owned subsidiary, EWE AG holds majority stakes in the regional gas suppliers Bursagaz A.S. and Kayserigaz A.S., the trading company EWE Enerji A.S. and Enervis Enerji Servis A.S. EWE Turkey Holding A.S. manages EWE’s sale and transport activities in the Turkish natural gas market.
Since 2016 EWE Turkey Holding is also active in the telecommunications market by having fully acquired the company Millenicom Telekomünikasyon A.S.
Due to the increasing number of applications and the use of different systems, the accurate analysis of data and the automation of operational business processes for EWE Turkey Holding became a necessity.
The project which completed in three phases, has enabled EWE Turkey Holding to monitor IT processes, consolidated holding budget and project management processes from a single screen.
Gökhan Ekşi | Retail and Trade Applications Manager
"OneIT project has enabled us to increase our operational efficiency with automated data transfer and to make objective business strategies on single version of truth."