Telecom Business Intelligence & Corpwatch

Telecom Business Intelligence & Corpwatch

A Digital Cockpit for Telecom C-Level Managers


A Sophisticated C-Level Telecom Dashboard Designed To Rule Out The Inefficiencies

Developed using Microstrategy Enterprise Analytics and Nowcasting® model, Obase Corpwatch is a comprehensive data-driven management support solution, specifically built for Telecom industry to help rule out the inefficiencies. C-Suite executives and Managers can view and monitor the critical KPIs and insights related with Marketing, Services, Network, Finance, Sales and CEM processes, aligned on a unified business model.

Organizational Transparency
Lower Customer Churn Rate
Increase in Service Utilization
Real-time Service Monitoring
Operational Efficiency
Redefined Telecom KPIs

Many organizations, including large companies with impressive staff and remarkable technologies, struggle to live in the same, single version of truth. Departments have their own data and individuals create their own reports, often resulting in a major shift in language, discrepancies, and blurred vision. Obase Corpwatch delivers actionable insights and allows all the functions of the organization to be in tune and talking the same language – nothing lost in translation. Telecom executives can access the system 24/7 using mobile and web to manage their enterprise more efficiently.

  • 30% increase in service utilization
  • 10% cut in customer churn rate
  • 200+ KPI and Telco specific data model
  • 20,000+ services monitored in real-time
  • Easier fraud detection and fast deployment


"Brought us to the forefront in terms of operational perfection."

"Recently we have made a big breakthrough with MSTR and Obase. We launched our dashboards, which we is called the CEO cockpit, and the systems where we observe our real-time operation, which is called RTM (Real-time Monitoring). These have brought us to the forefront in terms of operational perfection."


İnanç Çakıroğlu



"Obase deeply understands our needs and knows our data."

"Obase and Turkcell IT department has been working together for a long time. Obase understands our needs and knows our data in deep. We achieve our business goals with its expertise in using MicroStrategy capabilities."


Hilal Atılay

HR Director

EWE Turkey Holding

"Enabled us to make objective business strategies on single version of truth"

"OneIT project has enabled us to increase our operational efficiency with automated data transfer and to make objective business strategies on single version of truth."

EWE Türkiye Holding

Gökhan Ekşi

Retail and Trade Applications Manager


"Obase has an ability to deliver complex solutions and a strong team"

"Obase, one of MicroStrategy's business partners with experience, ability to deliver complex solutions and a strong team, played a crucial role in our success in Turkey. Maintaining, strengthening and expanding our loyal customer profile over the years will be our first priority."


Darrly Owen

Vice President & GM, MEA

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